Monica has acted in number of movies in Tamil like, Silandhi, Sandai Kozhi, Nadhikal Nanaivadhillai, Imsai Arasan 23aam Pulikesi etc., Monica is one of the actresses who was introduced into Tamil cinema as a child artist.
Monika was born and brought up in Kottayam of Kerala ( birth place of Monika ).
Date of birth of Monika is 25 August 1987.
In the year of 2014, Monika got converted into the Muslim religion having Hindu father and a Christian mother. When Monika talked about her religion change, she said that there was no force / no love / no money behind her conversion of her religion and she has got converted merely due to the interest she has in Muslim in a private video she made and released in You tube. Monika changed her name from Monika to Raheema and she announced that she stops acting in movies as it is against the holy book of Muslim, known as Quran.