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24 August 2014

Hansika Motwani Ice Bucket Challenge and Sania Mirza

The ALS Ice bucket challenge has been going on around the world as viral.

What is ALS Ice bucket challenge:

This is a challenge started to give a good cause that to get the awareness about the cancer disease all around the world. The concept is, one should get some water in a bucket and put few ice cubes and put the Ice mixed water on them and bath and get the event as a video and share online, additionally they should nominate 3 people names to do the Ice bucket challenge - is the challenge. This challenge has been going on all around the world from the hollywood celebrities to most of the celebrities around the world.

This viral activity has captured our Indian celebrities including the Tamil cinema celebrities. In this page we have the complete video of hot  Hansika Motwani getting the Ice bucket challenge and at the end of the video she is nominating 3 persons. So watch the complete video of hot Tamil actress Hansika Motwani taking Ice bucket challenge and know the 3 names she is nominating at the end of video above.

Also have a look at the Indian Tennis player Sania Mirza taking up on Ice bucket challenge too.

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